vendredi 12 juillet 2019

The Oral Transmission of Padmasambhava

The Oral Transmission of Padmasambhava, translated from the Tibetan by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, Editions Khyung-Lung, June 2019, 80 pages.

Text from the back cover :

The text translated and commented on in this volume represents the summation of the oral instructions of Padmasambhava related to the practice of Thögel (thod rgal) as has been codified in the cycle known as the Transparent Contemplation of Samantabhadra (Kun bzang dgongs pa zang thal). This cycle, revealed by Rigdzin Gödem (1337–1408) is the most important corpus of Dzogchen teachings from the Northern Treasures (byang gter), presenting the secret precepts of Dzogchen in a clear and concise manner. 

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments of the translator 11
Introduction 13
The Source of the Unwritten Oral Transmission Revealing
the Contemplation of the Heart of the Precepts of the
Authentic Principle 17
Chapter I — The Reality of Awareness 19
Chapter II — The Revelation of Awareness 24
Chapter III — The Transparent Wisdom of Samantabhadra 28
Instructions on the Source of the Oral Unwritten
Transmission 35
1. The instructions on the Reality of Awareness 35
1-1. The principles of the practice 35
1-2. The nature of the visions of the Primordial State 36
2. The revelation of Awareness 38
3. The visions of the Transparent Contemplation of
Samantabhadra 40
4. The signs of success in the practice 41
Appendix — The classification and levels of practitioners 59
Glossary 63
Bibliography 79