jeudi 19 juillet 2018

Düdjom Rinpoche — The Practice of the Three Skies

Düdjom Rinpoche — The Practice of the Three Skies, translated and commented by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, éditions Khyung-Lung, 84 pages. ISBN 979-10-95898-07-8.

 Table of Contents

Translator’s acknowledgements

1. Biography of Düdjom Rinpoche
1-1. Birth and education
1-2. Signs of accomplishment
1-3. Activities related to the spreading of
       the teachings

2. The principles of the Dzogchen Path
3. The nature of Reality

Instructions on the Three Skies
The Outer Sky
The Inner Sky
The Secret Sky

Commentary on the Instructions on the Three Skies
1. The meaning of the title
2. The meaning of the body of the text
2-1. The concise presentation

2-2. The detailed explanation
2-2-1. The Outer Sky
2-2-2. The Inner Sky
2-2-2-1. The adoption of the key points
a. The preliminaries
b. The key point of the body
c. The key point of the doors
c-1. The object to contemplate
c-2. The way to contemplate it
c-3. The state of contemplation
d. The key point of breath

2-2-2-2. The abandonment of errors
2-2-2-3. The target to destroy

2-2-3. The Secret Sky
2-2-4. The method for contemplating the Inner
          and Secret Skies

3. The meaning of the conclusion

Appendix I — The Teaching on the Utterly Secret, Profound Oral Instructions
1. The common explanation

2. The secret explanation
2-1. The Outer Sky
2-2. The Inner Sky
2-3. The Secret Sky

3. The utterly secret instructions for the practice

Appendix II — The Complete Structure of the Dzogchen Path
1. The preliminary instructions
2. The instructions on the main practice
3. The concluding instructions outlining the
    key points of the practice



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