jeudi 15 novembre 2018

Identifying the Obstacles to one's Practice

Identifying the Obstacles to one's Practice, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, Khyung-mkhar, PDF ed., 10 pages.

In general, correct meditation performed under perfect circumstances such as place and time, mastering of the key points and so forth, does not end up in the generating of obstacles. However, obstacles can arise  that are sometimes difficult to identify correctly. This booklet provides a list of the main hindrances one is likely to be confronted with during retreat.

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jeudi 11 octobre 2018

Chöying # 8 — The Infinite Marvels of the Primordial Buddha

Chöying # 8 — The Infinite Marvels of the Primordial Buddha, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., Khyung-mkhar, October 2018, 15 pages.

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As the expression of one’s own Natural State, the Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra is the uncreated and inexpressible source of all the marvels that arise due to the unceasing dynamism that characterizes one’s true nature. Fundamentally expressed in terms of Saṃsāra and Nirvāṇa, these marvels unfolding within the Natural State do not have one shred of reality. They are similar to a dream that deluded beings grasp at, not being able to penetrate their mirage-like, phantasmagoric nature. 

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jeudi 30 août 2018

Chöying # 7 — The Perfection of the Buddha Bodies and Wisdoms of Awareness

Chöying # 7 — The Perfection of the Buddha Bodies and Wisdoms of Awareness, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., Khyung-mkhar, August 2018, 12 pages.

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Buddha Bodies and Wisdoms are the two main modalities of the Natural State. Their manifestation forms what is styled as the display of the dynamism of Awareness (rig pa’i rtsal) whose expression is potential at the level of the Base (gzhi), manifest at the level of the Path (lam), and fully perfect at the level of the Fruit (‘bras bu). This booklet delineates those notions that are essential for comprehending these two modalities in the context of the teachings of the Great Perfection.

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jeudi 19 juillet 2018

Düdjom Rinpoche — The Practice of the Three Skies

Düdjom Rinpoche — The Practice of the Three Skies, translated and commented by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, éditions Khyung-Lung, 84 pages. ISBN 979-10-95898-07-8.

 Table of Contents

Translator’s acknowledgements

1. Biography of Düdjom Rinpoche
1-1. Birth and education
1-2. Signs of accomplishment
1-3. Activities related to the spreading of
       the teachings

2. The principles of the Dzogchen Path
3. The nature of Reality

Instructions on the Three Skies
The Outer Sky
The Inner Sky
The Secret Sky

Commentary on the Instructions on the Three Skies
1. The meaning of the title
2. The meaning of the body of the text
2-1. The concise presentation

2-2. The detailed explanation
2-2-1. The Outer Sky
2-2-2. The Inner Sky
2-2-2-1. The adoption of the key points
a. The preliminaries
b. The key point of the body
c. The key point of the doors
c-1. The object to contemplate
c-2. The way to contemplate it
c-3. The state of contemplation
d. The key point of breath

2-2-2-2. The abandonment of errors
2-2-2-3. The target to destroy

2-2-3. The Secret Sky
2-2-4. The method for contemplating the Inner
          and Secret Skies

3. The meaning of the conclusion

Appendix I — The Teaching on the Utterly Secret, Profound Oral Instructions
1. The common explanation

2. The secret explanation
2-1. The Outer Sky
2-2. The Inner Sky
2-3. The Secret Sky

3. The utterly secret instructions for the practice

Appendix II — The Complete Structure of the Dzogchen Path
1. The preliminary instructions
2. The instructions on the main practice
3. The concluding instructions outlining the
    key points of the practice



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jeudi 31 mai 2018

Chöying 6 — The Marvels of Reality

Chöying # 6 — The Marvels of Reality, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., Khyung-mkhar, May 2018, 12 pages.

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The Natural State of the mind is pure and free from fluctuation. It is spontaneously accomplished and endowed with an epiphanic nature manifesting in the display of the marvels of Reality (chos nyid cho ‘phrul). Understanding the nature of this epiphany and of its “content” is one of the main keys enabling one to comprehend the true significance of the Great Perfection and to apprehend its arcana in an authentic manner.

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vendredi 27 avril 2018

Chöying 5 — Primordial Emptiness and its Visionary Ornaments

Chöying # 5 — Primordial Emptiness and its Visionary Ornaments, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., Khyung-mkhar, April 2018, 12 pages.

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The Primordial Emptiness (ye stong) of the natural state is not a mere nothingness but a condition endowed with a visionary dynamism unfolding in countless ornaments (rgyan) that arise in an unceasing mode (ma ‘gags). Regardless as to how these Ornaments appear, they do not affect the luminous and primordial Emptiness of the natural state, in the same way a mirror is not affected by the images it reflects.

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jeudi 15 mars 2018

Chöying 4 — The Ornaments of Space

Chöying # 4 — The Ornaments of Space, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., Khyung-mkhar, March 2018, 10 pages.

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After tackling the notion of Space (dbyings) in the previous issue, here we will discuss the Ornaments (rgyan) of Reality, which constitute one of the main themes of Dzogchen literature. These Ornaments are explicitly associated with the notions of dynamism (rtsal) and display (rol pa), which are central themes enabling one to understand the nature of conditioned appearances and that of the nirvāṇic marvels of the natural state.

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mercredi 28 février 2018

Chöying 3 — The Space of the Natural State

Chöying 3 — The Space of the Natural State, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, pdf ed., khyung-mkhar, February 2018, 10 pages.

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The explanations contained in this booklet discuss the particular representations associated with the notion of Space (dying) as it ought to be understood in the teachings of the Great Perfection. Such a approach of the classical texts of the tradition enables one to develop a true understanding of the technical terms used in the original treatises and therefore to forestall deviations into deluded projections on such essential topics as Space (dbyings), the Absolute Body (chos sku), and so forth.

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