dimanche 1 septembre 2024

The Threefold Heart Advice of Jigme Lingpa

The Threefold Heart Advice of Jigme Lingpa, translation from the Tibetan and commentary by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, Khyung-mkhar, 2024, 50 pages, PDF edition.

Among the immense corpus of texts and instructions left by Jigme Lingpa (1730–1798), his Heart Advice in Three Stanzas sums up the essence of the Path of the Great Perfection. In particular, the author addresses the notion of Non-Meditation, which has often been misunderstood, both in Tibet and more recently in the West. This volume also clarifies some of the representations that are at the heart of the Great Perfection.

Table of Contents

Introduction 4
1. Biography of Jigme Lingpa 7
2. The text of the Threefold Heart Advice 13

The Threefold Heart Advice of Jigme Lingpa 15

The meaning of the Threefold Heart Advice
composed by Jigme Lingpa Khyentse Özer 16

Thematic Commentary on the Threefold
Heart Advice 18

1. Abiding in the state of Non-Meditation 19
2. The Natural State of Primordial Purity 25
3. The manner of practicing 28

Appendix—Prayer to Jigme Lingpa 34

Glossary 38
Bibliography 47

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mercredi 31 juillet 2024

Song on the Dreamlike Semblance of Appearances and Emptiness by Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso

 Song on the Dreamlike Semblance of Appearances and Emptiness, by Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, translated from the Tibetan and commented by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., 12 pages.

The notions of dreamlike semblance (rmi lam lta bu) and equality (mnyam nyid) are at the heart of Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche's song.
They are in line with the classical teachings of Buddhism and are discussed here from the perspective of the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen). Khenpo Rinpoche (1934–2024) is a patriarch of the Kagyüpa school who has intensively disseminated the teachings of the Great Perfection over the past decades, beginning with the instructions drawn from Chogyur Lingpa's Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo.


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mercredi 1 mai 2024

The Structure of the Bima Nyingthik

 The Structure of the Bima Nyingthik, by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., 16 pages.

This short booklet describes the specific topics and contents of the Bima Nyingthik that was discovered in Central Tibet prior to 1000 AD. This collection is the most important of all Heart-Drops teachings.

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The Themes of the Seventeen Tantras

 The Themes of the Seventeen Tantras, by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., 16 pages.

This short booklet describes the specific topics and contents of the Seventeen Tantras (rGyud bcu bdun) of the Vimalamitra tradition (8th century).

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mardi 20 février 2024

The Natural Freedom of Wisdom

The Natural Freedom of Wisdom, revealed by Drimé Künga & Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo, translated from the Tibetan by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF version, Editions Khyung-Lung, February 2024, 35 pages.

The Natural Freedom of Wisdom (Ye shes rang grol) is a short work discovered in the 14th century by Drimé Künga and later rediscovered by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo during the 19th century. This is a text authored by Padmasambhava and addressed to his devoted consort Yeshé Tsogyel. It covers the teachings of the Great Symbol or Mahāmudrā from a Nyingma perspective and, in this tradition, appears to be equivalent to the level of the Mind Series or Semdé (Sems sde).

Table of Contents

Introduction    6      

1. The meaning of the Great Symbol      6      
2. The three principles of the Great Symbol     8
2-1. View       8  
2-2. Meditation      8
2-3. Fruit      10
3. The practice of the Great Symbol     10
3-1. The qualified master       10
3-2. Practicing the oral instructions   12

The Natural Freedom of Wisdom—Quintessential 
Instructions on the Great Symbol       14                     
1. The Great Symbol of the View        14
2. The Great Symbol of Meditation    16
3.  The Great Symbol of the Fruit     17
4. The Great Symbol of practice     19    

Colophon    21  

Appendix I—Dzogchen and Mahāmudrā according 
the Nyingmapa tradition     23

Appendix II—Biography of Drimé Künga (1347–?)     27    

Appendix III—Glossary of Wylie equivalences        31

Bibliography     34

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dimanche 24 septembre 2023

The Base, the Path, and the Fruit according to the teachings of Tulku Loden Nyingpo

The Base, the Path, and the Fruit according to the teachings of Tulku Loden Nyingpo, translated and commented by Jean-Luc Achard. Translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, PDF ed., 12 pages.

The principles of the Base, the Path, and the Fruit are at the heart of all the teachings of the Buddhas. This booklet explains these principles, transmitted in a vision by a red Ḍākinī to the young tertön Tulku Loden Nyingpo (1360-1406).

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mercredi 29 mars 2023

Chöying 25 (English)

Chöying no. 25 — The Transcendence of Causes and Fruits, part four, by Jean-Luc Achard, translated from the French by Marianne Ginalski, Khyung-mkhar, PDF ed., 14 pages. Price: 3,00 euros.

The Natural State of the mind is not the product of causes and conditions. It fundamentally transcends all the representations elaborated by the intellect in an attempt to conceive it. It is prior to, as well as totally independent of, these proliferations. In this issue, this transcendence is explained through the scheme of the Nine Vehicles. 

4. The classification in Nine Vehicles
5. The superiority of the teachings of the Great Perfection

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